The night before yesterday morning’s Bukit Shahbandar, my family and I were having dinner at Nur Wanita when a former classmate who’s back from Taiwan to visit his family asked if I would be hiking Shahbandar any day soon. It didn’t take much for me to quickly discuss this over the dining table including shooting a quick text to a regular hiking buddy on the opposite end of the country if he was up for it the next day. Everyone on this side of the table was confirmed to go. Fast forward 12 hours to the next day, the morning was met with scattered showers with some parts of the country experiencing heavy rain. Rain quickly stopped while the weather remained overcast — we went ahead with the trip, reached Shahbandar in time to greet a car full of regulars: Eric Pui and his whole family who came on very short notice. For personal reasons my former classmate couldn’t make it so the 10 of us went ahead with our hiking plans.

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